Speaking of Love
By Weirdnesss
It’s been a good minute since I have been hearing about Speak, but for whatever reason I have never actually made it to a show. Sometimes it conflicted with prior engagements and other times I was just too insecure to go alone. For whatever reason the stars finally aligned and I attended my first one a few weeks ago. I actually went because I thought a good friend of mine was performing. No one wanted to go with me, so I figured I’d go alone. As Divine intervention would have it, the theme of the night was love. Oh love, how you have pierced my very existence to the point of being unable to deny the power that is love.
I have been in a very sensitive place and am having constant epiphanies about love being the answer to every problem I have been facing, so coming to this event, being alone and being slapped in the face once more with the idea that love is everything was quite humbling. I found a decent seat, thank God, since the audience filled up rather quickly and some people were turned away due to capacity laws.
I sat in the audience and kept trying to take it all in. So much variety of flesh. From skin color, to social status, to body types, to levels of education, to cultural diversity and expressions of fashion choices. I was sucked into a little world of depth that was hidden within the seemingly shallow existence of Miami life. The energy was overwhelming in the most beautiful way.
As the showcase began, there were poems about lovers, heartache, travels, and so much more. There were rappers and comedians that took me on adventures far beyond that room. I laughed, danced, and felt so much as I sat present trying to be one with each performer.
My heart began to feel an inspiration that it hasn’t felt in so long. I remember trying to figure out what was happening inside of me. The acts were so different, but the intensity, passion, and conviction to represent love was penetrating my soul as I sat there glued to the performances.
I remember wondering to myself, how do these artists find this power to bare their soul in such an eloquently vulnerable, yet courageous way? And how is it that if I don’t even relate to the scenario they’re describing, I can empathize and feel deeply for them? Pain and experience.
The common ground that brought us all together that night was our human experience. We had all experienced life to a degree that had shaken our souls awake to the reality of us being able to meet on the foundation being built that night. That night we were all human beings who had experienced pain and were in need of love far greater than any walls we walked in with that night. We needed each other. There was no need for words or personal connections. All we needed was to witness these performers open up their souls to us in the name of love. Actions speak louder than words and the bravery of baring it all was one of the most selfless, lovings acts that I have witnessed and experienced in a long time. One by one, they allowed a room full of strangers into their soul space to watch them practice self-love by honoring themselves and speaking their truths. I was humbled to be part of the audience and to be able to soak in their energy.
The night was magical. I witnessed people living in kindness. Having been a part of the Miami nightlife for many years, I will say that that level of sincere energy is so rare to experience on a Friday night in this beautiful, shady city.
As life would have it, my friend and reason for going, didn’t even perform. In my 28 years I have learned that Divine guidance will use anything to bring me to where I need to be when it is time for me to learn something. That night was no coincidence for me. I needed everything that was released on that stage and more. I am forever grateful to have experienced such an event and I’m so excited to make it to the next ones.
If you are at a place in your life where you are feeling you are in need of something, but you’re not sure what that something is, I invite you to come to Speak. I promise there will be something there for you. If not from the performers, then just from someone you meet while you’re there. There is an energy within this event that is so healing and pure that it’s like medicine when you don’t even know you’re sick. It’s your grandma’s chicken soup when your soul is achy and you just need a life reboot. It’s feeling overwhelmed by the chaos surrounding us on a daily basis and finding a little secret place of the warm and fuzzies to run away to, if only just for a moment to catch your breath. Hope to see you at the next one!
As you move forward and your heart is filled with things to say and you find yourself in conflict with releasing it or holding it in, ask yourself this: Can I speak? Yes, you can.