Peace Amidst the Protest


Yesterday I got to partake in a legal, peaceful, and insightful protest. I learned that not everyone against Trump is pro Hillary. I learned about so many people, their passions, and what was important to them. There were people of all ages and backgrounds. There were Trump supporters who were respected by protesters. My Kuwaiti friends and I met an officer who actually served in the Gulf War and got to thank him for all they did for us. I got to meet a lot of cool people and hear what brought them out last night and there were so many different reasons. I got to hear angry protesters, sad ones, passionate ones, fearful ones, strong ones; just so many different kinds and it was so neat. What became clearer was how beautiful this place is and how everyone has a right to have a voice regardless if you agree or not. I have people that I love dearly who voted for Trump and I know they don’t stand for everything he represents, just like on the opposite side. At the end of the day we’re all individuals and that’s what makes it so beautiful. There is no cookie cutter solution that could make everyone happy, but for now seeing people show up for what they believe in, no matter what side they’re on, was enough for me. Believe in what you want because that’s who you are at the end of it all. The only thing we can truly do is honor ourselves and be true to our beliefs and that’s what we get to find here. I’m really glad I went and got to experience it and learn from it. I’m grateful to all those who helped make it peaceful and safe.