This is just a distraction from Hong Kong protests.
Naw, this is a way for China to exterminate those not down with the regime.
It’s a clear violation of human rights.
Can’t wait to drink some Coronas while we’re quarantined.
I don’t care what it is, I just want it to infect the world so we all die.
Kobe died just in time. Wow bro, chill
By this point, the group chat had forwarded seven compilations of Chinese CCTV and smartphone footage. Broadcasts from balconies. Bodies collapsing into stiff seizures. Supermarkets excavated by mobs that swayed like anemones in a rip tide. Police pinning down the souls that leaked from the quarantine as they shouted “we can’t keep living like this. ”You can’t pause a person’s life and choose what resumes.